You must agree to these T+Cs (as applicable) to purchase Tickets.
Carter Consultants Ltd may, without notice, invalidate any Tickets that are believed to be in breach of the T+Cs, and no refund, replacement or compensation will be offered.
If the Event is unable to proceed due to any law, by law or requirement of any local or national body, or the Promoter believes the Event can not proceed as the Promoter has planned based on any law or by law or requirement of any local or national body, then the Event may be postponed (and even relocated) by the Promoter to a date to be determined by the Promoter in the Promoters sole decision.
The ticket value from the postponed Event shall be held in credit for the Customer and valid for the Customer to redeem for the postponed date.
If the concert is unable to take place on the advertised date due to any event outside of the control of the promoter, including but not limited to government regulations regarding COVID-19, the concert will be postponed to a later date.
Please note, by accepting the terms and conditions, you are agreeing to the promoter having the right to either delay dates or transfer your tickets to another event within a 24 month period unless required by law, if the concert is rescheduled due to COVID-19 regulations.
In the event the promoter transfers the event to another date the promoter may put a time limit of not less than five working days from the date notice is given of the new date, for purchasers of tickets to complete the transfer requirements from the ticketing organisation.
All Tickets, Fees and products are priced in New Zealand dollars.
Should the event be canceled, Carter Consultants Ltd will notify all ticket purchasers.